Submission form Submission Form Submit here your abstract proposal for the BBCC2024 program. * indicates required field Presenting Author First Name:* Presenting Author Last Name:* Email:* Re-enter Email:* Type here the preferred email address of the presenting author for communications about the abstract submission Presenting Author institutional email address:* if the previous field reports an institutiional email address, please repeat it to confirm Presenting Author Affiliation:* Type here the name of your institution, department/institute, full postal address Country of origin of the presenting author:* Enter here the country from which the presenting author is expected to travel to the conference venue (not nationality). Abstract Title (max 200 chars including spaces):* List of the Authors (including the presenting author, in the preferred order):* example: Mary Smith (1), John Green (2), Jane White (2) Note: numbers are not required if all Authors have the same affiliation Affiliations of the Authors:* following the previous example of authors name: (1) University of Naples, Italy; (2) University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, USA Select the type of contribution:* Oral presentation Poster / short oral presentation Keywords (min.3 max. 6, separated by commas):* Select the most suitable topic(s) from the list:* SPECIAL SESSION: Collaborative Advancements in Bioinformatics Big data and data science Bioinformatics development and applications Databases of biological information Networks and Pharmacology Novel and challenging methodologies Omics and Disease Statistics and Artificial Intelligence in Data Analytics Structural Bioinformatics Systems biology - Other (specify it as the last item in the keywords field) Multiple choice allowed by pressing shift key Abstract text (limit=3000 chars including spaces):* CAPTCHA Code:*