BBCC2024 – Partners

BBCC2024 edition is organized with the partnership of:

Institute of Food Sciences of the National Research Council of Italy (ISA-CNR)


Dipartimento di Chimica e Biologia “A. Zambelli”, University of Salerno, Italy


Institute for high performance computing and networking (ICAR-CNR) 


BBCC2024 is as an Affiliated Conference of ISCB.

BBCC conferences are recognized by ISCB as affiliated conferences since 2017.



Bioinformatics Italian Society patronizes BBCC conferences since 2006.




APECSA  – Associazione di Promozione Educazione Comunicazione di Scienze ed Arti ETS-APS


Athena Consulting is partner of BBCC2024 for the administrative management of the Conference organization


Sponsorship by Computers offers the opportunity to establish a prize for the best oral contribution



To become Partner and/or Sponsor of our activities, please use the Contact form to send your interest and motivations.

Different activities can give the appropriate visibility to your partnership or sponsorship:

  • Supporting for post-conference publications
  • Lecture Sponsorship
  • Supporting participation of young researchers and students
  • Lunch / Coffee Break Sponsor
  • Exhibition desk
  • General Meeting Sponsorship
  • Partnership for sharing information and contacting communities of interested scientists