The Conference will be held in Naples, Italy, on November 27-29, 2024, at the “Aula Magna” Conference Room, Facoltà di Biotecnologie. Via Tommaso De Amicis, 95, 80131 Napoli (Maps).
The final version of the Conference Program is online.
Special session on bioinformatics infrastructure and industrial innovations: “Collaborative Advancements in Bioinformatics: Integrating Infrastructure and Industrial Solutions”.
This session will explore the collaborative landscape of bioinformatics, bringing together industry and public infrastructure innovations to address the latest advances, data sharing strategies, and interoperable technologies in the field.
Invited Speakers of BBCC2024 Conference:
Marco Beccuti – Professor of Informatics, Computer Science Department, University of Turin, Italy (home page) – Lecture title: IT Infrastructure and Computational Services in the PNRR IR SUS-MIRRI.IT Project to support the Italian Microbial Research
Enrico Glaab – Assistant professor / Senior research scientist in Machine Learning and Bioinformatics, University of Luxembourg (home page) – Lecture title: Comprehensive blood metabolomics profiling analysis of Parkinson’s disease
Audronė Jakaitienė – Head of Interdisciplinary Statistical Research Group, Institute of Data Science and Digital Technologies, Vilnius University (home page) – Lecture title: Predictive Analytics in Medicine and Biology
Marta Szachniuk – Professor of Engineering and Technical Sciences, Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences, and the Institute of Computing Science, Poznan University of Technology (home page) – Lecture title: Frontiers in computational prediction of RNA structure
Jack A. Tuszyński – Full Professor, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (DIMEAS) Politecnico di Torino, Italy (home page), and University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada (home page). Lecture title: Investigations of metabolic changes in cancer cells resulting from pharmacological agents and low-intensity electromagnetic fields
Pre-Conference Training activities:
Two one-day training activities for participants to the Conference have been added to the program.
– November 25: “From raw matrices to differential expression/methylation patterns: a functional genomics approach to detect molecular insights”. More information at this link.
November 26: “Software Environments, Containers, and Notebooks (for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology)” organized with the Elixir IT Training Platform. More information at this link.
Since the number of participants allowed to attend the training is limited, more details about the training and how to register (free of charge) will be sent only to interested participants after they register for the conference.